
Hello there,

As the title would suggest, this post serves the purpose of practising and getting into the habit of writing down my thoughts here. It also serves as an introduction of what kind of content you will be reading if you decide to stick around. So sit back, relax, pop this song in a new tab and let's begin!

Right then, so where do we start? Hmm..let me first tell you about the 3 main categories of content that will live under this roof. I've given this a lot of thought and I realised that everything that I want to speak about can nest pretty neatly under ''Food for Thought'', ''My Contribution to the World'' or ''This is Personal''.

Now let's take them one at a time: 

  • ''Food for Thought'' - here is where you'll read a lot about food...like literally all day every day 24/7, 7 days a week food talk. Boring? Yes, maybe for the culinary uninterested or the ''eat-to-live'' types, but hear me out. I'm not just going to talk about how amazing this one pizza that I had last week was - in 500 words or more. No, I am going to tell you how amazing this pizza was, the location of where this pizza was devoured, the scenery around it and most importantly, the people I was with while this pizza was being torn apart. In short, the whole damn terroir that made that pizza the best thing that God had ever put on this green Earth, at that moment in time. Starting to get the picture now? Kind of? Well, allow me to elaborate a bit further: it's not all about the food itself, it's about the power that food has to create/ complement an experience. It's the universal ice-breaker, it's a good excuse, a moment of joy and whatever else it needs to be in order to feed people - nutritionally, socially, culturally and sometimes...even spiritually. It resonates with anyone in the world, regardless of gender, colour or creed - it's one of the few Great Equalizers of people and that my dear reader.. is worth discussing.

  • ''My contribution to the World'' - now this one might sound a bit rich, but this is where I feel that there might be a little something that will help someone at some point, in short, a contribution to 'knowledge' itself, a string of original thoughts potentially relating to any and all facets of life that leave you thinking and with no concrete answer. Still confused? I'm talking about philosophy, an overthinker's wet dream and a nightmare for anyone that has ever looked for a straight answer. This category is a written attempt in connecting the existing dots that make up our lives. Here is where I advise some caution and I highlight the ''*'' sign in the blog title. None of these posts will be definitive and they will stay clear from any absolutes. Every idea should be taken with a grain of salt and should not be taken out of context, for 'Truth' lies with the sum of its parts, not with any single idea. Nuanced, layered & complex ideas are the aim here and if the thread gets messy, then I will have failed you miserably :)

  • ''This is Personal'' - this last category is pretty much what it says on the tin, it will house personal, unapologetic and raw emotions distilled to a point and then released. Opinions and biases will overflow into a cascade of momentary lightbulb moments that might shock, amaze & delight you! But if there's ever been a moment where you should not get fixed on a phrase or particular bit, it's while reading the posts from this category. It's no use, I'm telling ya! I came up with this stuff and I still had to let it go beyond me because (in my opinion) any situation (no matter how bad) in life can become a joke if you have the strength to move past it and take away the power it has over you. That will probably resonate with some who remember to find the irony and laugh when things go sideways. Let's call it a way of life, a more involved version of ''Hakuna Matata'', a stoic effort or even a coping mechanism. All in all, it'll be a good read.

Hopefully all of the above made sense and you now have a bit of an understanding of what you can expect to find here. 

To round things off, let me tell you that there will be no particular posting schedule, as the organic nature of experiences and epiphanies tend not to appear every Tuesday at 3PM, but if that changes at any point, I will be sure to let everyone know. 

There is no particular style of writing, formatting or resource linking to speak of just yet, but you will start seeing patterns along the way as posts will grow in number and quality.

Comments will be loosely moderated, due to a number of obvious reasons (this isn't an open forum or Reddit AMA). 

Lastly, the ''*'' in the title means to not get caught up with an idea or a small phrase - remember that you are here to understand the mechanism, not just a part, so please be mindful and mind your step so you don't fall down the rabbit hole.

Thank you for tagging along with me on this journey and see you around!
